Squiddians Overview
- Short and furry, with a short snout.
- Long, large tail that can be fluffy, feathery, or reptilian-like (but not scaly).
- Large ears and often have large, round eyes.
Colors and Markings:
- Typically dark-colored with either gold, neutral, or neon markings.
- Squiddians can only have one type of marking (e.g., neon or neutral, but not both).
- Markings are often in the form of stripes, dots, or rings.
- Albino variants are pale with pastel or silver markings.
- Originated from feathered dinosaurs, evolving to appear smaller and cuter over time.
- 50% chance of being born with wings, often large (about one-third of their body size).
- Cannot fly; wings are used to appear larger to attract mates or scare others.
- 20% chance of having wing-like arms, similar to bat wings.
Neck and Horns:
- Fur and feathers can create the illusion of a spiky head or neck.
- On rare occasions, they may have small horns above their eyes or behind their ears.
Ear Decorations:
- Often adorn ears with shiny stones, earrings, or jewelry.
- Overly heavy decorations may cause damage or holes.
Behavior and Social Structure:
- Live in small groups of 15-25 members, based on their size.
- Highly playful; enjoy running and climbing.
- Primarily communicate through chirps and whines.
- Use body language, like puffing up, swinging tails, and chirping, to attract mates.
- Prefer forests with lakes and rocky areas.
- Thrive in warm, humid environments but avoid dry climates.
Lifespan and Growth:
- Can live up to 38 years.
- Markings start as blobby shapes and become more defined with age.
- Wings grow proportionally with their body.
Cultural Traits:
- Naturally born with unique markings.
- Have a love for shiny items, showcasing them on their large ears.
- Albinos, though rare, are treated as equals and often become playmates.
- Winged arms are seen as a normal trait.